Sunday, September 26, 2010

A Little Update

News Flash!!!

Dikit aja ya, soalnya waktu gue lagi gak banyak.

Oke, udah seminggu gue pindah dari kediaman lama "sementara" di Sepakat 1 Bumi Batara no. B5, ke... ke...
Di mana itu alamatnya. Gue lupa...
Eh, lebih tepatnya gak tau.
Nanti deh, gue kasih alamat lengkapnya.
Tapi yang pasti udah mulai jauh dari kampus.

Next, hari Jumat kemarin gue ditawarin buat ngajar Bahasa Jepang di Sang Bintang School. Sekedar info, Sang Bintang School merupakan pelopor pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia dengan motto : "6 minggu bisa!". Maksudnya, siswa Sang Bintang School dijamin dapat berbicara dan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dengan lancar hanya dalam 6 minggu. Jumat kemarin gue udah bertemu beberapa staf, dan yang bikin gue kagum adalah : 90% dari semua staf ingin BELAJAR BAHASA JEPANG!!!


Dan kemudian gue ditantang kayak gini : "Can we learn Japanese in only 6 weeks?"

Gue jawab dengan sedikit presentasi : "I'm sorry, but it's almost impossible. As we know, Japanese is so much different from the other language that using Romans. First, as the basic we have to memorize all the letters in order to begin to read. It's different from the Romans' language that we know all the letters since we're still an infant. Second, the links between letters. Japanese knows no space, so it's a little bit hard to recognize which is words, which is name, and which is particles. Even we have to read the sentences once again to perfectly distinguish them. Third, the using of Kanji. The number of strokes, the regulation in sentences, and how to read, sometimes confusing. In order to try to write Kanji, we have to start to stroke from the beginning. The fourth and the last, is the student's spirits. Those who learned Japanese, are fully committed. Without this commitment, students will have no spirits to continue learning. So it'll become a difficult thing to force them."

"But I believe we could do better than just studying in normal way. So how about it? Do you want to take our offer to start a new Japanese Class here?"

"I have learned Japanese in 10 months, but now I still an intermediate. I can't stay at the course because of increasing fees. I have no teacher now. So if I want to continue to learn, and if this is the path He showed me that I should take, I'll take it."

Dan begitulah apa yang terjadi pada "Fateful Friday" itu. Huehehehehehe...
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Usul gue akan mulai dipertimbangkan. Nike, temen gue yang membawa gue ke Sang Bintang School Jumat kemarin bakalan ngomong lagi sama ketua umumnya. Semoga beliau bisa cepat setuju dan gue bisa merasakan atmosfir kerja itu seperti apa. Mudah-mudahan ini gak akan ganggu kuliah gue yang udah semester 5 dan harus cari bahan skripsi dengan cepat. Dan mudah-mudahan gue bisa termotivasi dengan adanya pengalaman mengajar di tempat ini. Semoga saja.

*menutup doa*


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